Download Hafez Fonts by Naghi Naghachian

Download Hafez Fonts by Naghi Naghachian

Hafez is a sans-serif font family designed by Naghi Naghashian in three weights. Hafez Light, Hafez Regular and Hafez Bold. This font family is a contribution to modernisation of Arabic typography, gives the font design of Arabic letters real typographic arrangement und provides more typographic flexibility.

Hafez supports Arabic, Persian and Urdu. It also includes proportional and tabular numerals for the supported languages. Hafez design fulfills the following needs: A Explicitly crafted for use in electronic media fulfills the demands of electronic communication.

More B Suitability for multiple applications. Gives the widest potential acceptability. C Extreme legibility not only in small sizes, but also when the type is filtered or skewed, e.

g., in Photoshop or Illustrator. Nimas simplified forms may be artificial oblilqued in InDesign or Illustrator, without any loss in quality for the effected text.

D An attractive typographic image. BaBa was developed for multiple languages and writing conventions. BaBa supports Arabic, Persian and Urdu. It also includes proportional and tabular numerals for the supported languages. E The highest degree of calligraphic grace and the clarity of geometric typography.

Download Hafez Fonts by Naghi Naghachian

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